Fund Us to Find Them

Imagine this:  you are sitting in the cockpit of an amphibious biplane in November 1942, about to take off from the frigid waters near the coast of Greenland.  You are going to fly to the site of a crashed B-17 and land your plane on the glacier to rescue the men aboard.  This has never been done before.  Whatever happens next is uncharted territory.  You are their best chance for survival.

Now, 73 years later, a team of scientists and explorers is planning to go to Greenland to search for 3 missing men.  That biplane, a Grumman Duck flown by the U.S. Coast Guard, went down in a storm in the middle of a heroic rescue mission.  It is buried under 40 feet of ice, along with Lt. John Pritchard, Radioman Benjamin Bottoms, and Cpl. Loren Howarth.  Global Exploration and Recovery is the search team.  Finding these men in 2016 is our mission.  You can help make it happen by contributing to our fundraising campaign.

We have established a positive working relationship with the U.S. Coast Guard over the course of 3 previous expeditions to Greenland.  They are enthusiastic that a team of experts from the private sector is pursuing this goal.  We have the support of the families of the missing men.  We have the skills, the experience, the capacity, and the relationships to locate the Duck and bring the men home.  We don’t have the money.

Global Exploration and Recovery is pursuing private funding to undertake this search mission in 2016.  Donations from people like you who appreciate the gravity of this project will help make it a success.  People who understand what it means to the relatives to see their loved ones brought back to be laid to rest on home soil.  We are doing this for the families.  You can help make it happen.  Thank you for contributing.  Even if you can’t contribute, please share the link to our campaign on your Facebook page, Tweet it, and tell your friends.  The more people who know about it, the better.